IEEE-USA's free December e-book for members

IEEE-USA's December New, Free Audio Book: Secrets to Being a World-Changer, Part 1: The Being of Leadership 


In IEEE-USA E-BOOKS' two-part book series, Secrets to Being a World-Changer--Part 1: The Being of Leadership, you will find a handy dandy guide that will give you access to “the inner circle.”

IEEE Members Jonathan Chew and Leo Szeto are two engineers who have devoted the past few years to boosting their own creativity and leadership.  As Disney Imagineers, and the authors of these e-books, they are sharing their passion for innovation, and encouraging others who want to dream big. 

Chew and Szeto have written an e-book series that offers individuals working in any discipline valuable insights on how to lead change. In Secrets to Being a World-Changer-Part 1: The Being of Leadership, the authors outline how to establish the mindset for becoming a world-changer.   They begin with a premise based on Ikigai, the Japanese concept that means, in essence, “a reason to get up in the morning.” They explain that according to the Japanese definition, Ikigai fuses together four related concepts: what you are good at, what you are willing to do, what you are paid for, and what you want to do. Chew and Szeto say that your purpose in life is at the heart of the four concepts. 

From 1 December 2018 through 15 January 2019, IEEE members can get their free e-book download by going to:


IEEE-USA's New December E-Book: Public Speaking for Engineers--Say It Loud and Proud

IEEE-USA's December New E-Book Explores Best Practices for Public Speaking

Author Harry T. Roman wants to share some advice for achieving a successful engineering career. He believes the so-called “soft” skill of public speaking is far more important in developing a long, fruitful career than technical expertise, mathematical prowess, or analytical knowledge.

“I’ve seen more engineers have their careers cut short because they couldn’t make a cogent presentation, or speak well in public, than fail due to technical incompetency,” says this veteran engineer and engineering educator. “Public speaking is a leadership skill, a rallying point,” he explains.

“Those who speak well are respected, listened to, and often emulated,” Roman says. His new e-book, Public Speaking for Engineers--Say It Loud and Proud, offers dozens of best practices and ideas that will help almost anyone become an expert, sought-after speaker.


“It’s worth the time and effort to learn to speak well in public,” Roman encourages. For one thing, he points out that lower-level employees may have as little as five to ten minutes to interact directly with senior management. “Your company's senior leaders,” he says, “will form a strong opinion of you by how well you articulate a problem or position, or champion a new idea. You need to make that interaction count.” 

Public Speaking for Engineers--Say It Loud and Proud is available at -- for only $2.99 for members. Non-members pay $4.99.


Check out IEEE-USA’s Free Audio Books

IEEE-USA has seven audio books, on various career topics, now available for your listening pleasure. Download all the free audio books, and collect all seven to add to your own personal audio book library. 

To download all free IEEE-USA Audio Books -- go to: