Required IEEE communication containing sensitive information based on your IEEE position.
Dear Section Officer,

Congratulations again on your election! We hope that you are settling into your position smoothly. Were you successful in updating your officers’ data? Please contact us at if you experienced any issues.

To ensure your unit’s viability and its relevance to both its members and the broader IEEE community, three reports need to be submitted. Once submitted, your unit will earn a rebate payment to support its operations!

To learn more and submit your reports, please click here.
Did you know that your unit will earn an additional 10% bonus on the total rebate if the reports are submitted by the third Friday in February?
Reporting is one of the key responsibilities of IEEE Officers. Please act promptly and send us an email if any assistance is needed!
Besides the rebate (and potential bonus), you may support your unit’s activities by requesting various recognition products (such as banners, certificates, officer pins, and plaques).
Best wishes for a successful term,

Murty Polavarapu
MGA Vice-Chair, Geographic Unit Operations