Nominations & Appointments

The MGA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee helps to identify nominees to stand for election to certain MGA organizational units. The Committee will also review the qualifications of those nominated for, or appointed to, membership of certain MGA Committees.

Call for nominations: MGA volunteer positions

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee seeks candidates to serve as MGA volunteers each year. Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. 

The deadline to submit nominations for Leadership positions is - Closed 
The deadline to submit nominations for Committee Member and Liaison positions is 1 August 2024

Complete the online nomination form for yourself or someone else for a 2025 Committee Member or Laison position by 1 August 2024


E-mail MGA staff at with questions

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Who can nominate?

Anyone may submit a nomination; you do not need to be an IEEE member to submit a nomination.

Self-nominations are permitted and encouraged.

IEEE organizational units may submit recommendations if the governing body or its designee has endorsed the candidate.


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MGA Nominations and Appointments process

In accordance with IEEE objectives, the MGA Board has established an equitable Nominations and Appointments process. The process has been developed to choose a slate of the best-qualified persons for the various positions throughout the MGA organization. It was also developed to involve a wide range of members in the selection process. It is essential that all candidates nominated for office are highly qualified, and it is therefore essential that all members show great diligence and exercise judgment in making nominations. 
In accordance with the IEEE globalization initiative and in an attempt to ensure that MGA is globally balanced, each Region will be requested to submit nominations. The Region Nominating Committee might consider members or past members of the Committee who are familiar with Region affairs and gave excellent service.


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Petition process

Members may petition to be on the slate of MGA Board candidates in accordance with Section 6.5.C of the MGA Operations Manual: "Candidates, in addition to those on the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee slate, can be nominated no later than ten days prior to the MGA Assembly meeting, if the signatures of five MGA Assembly members accompany the nomination. Biographies and position statements for such candidates should accompany the respective nominations. Nominations may be submitted by email, fax, or written document to a designee specified by the MGA Assembly Chair who will promptly inform the MGA Assembly of nominees qualifying under this provision."
Additionally, the petition process for being included as a candidate for Vice President-Member and Geographic Activities on the IEEE Assembly slate is stated in the IEEE Bylaw I-203.1.b: “Candidates, in addition to those on the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee slate and/or the Member and Geographic Activities Assembly slate, may be nominated no later than ten days prior to the IEEE Assembly meeting, if the signatures of five IEEE Assembly members accompany the nomination. Candidates may only seek nomination for one of the positions for which they have been considered by either the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee or the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee using these committees’ established review processes. Biographies and position statements for such candidates provided to the IEEE Assembly shall be those considered by the respective nominating committee. Nominations, which shall remain confidential, along with endorsements, shall be submitted to a designee specified by the IEEE Assembly Chair who will promptly inform the IEEE Assembly of nominees qualifying under this provision.”


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Committee business

The MGA N&A Committee helps to identify nominees to stand for election to certain MGA organizational units. The Committee will also review the qualifications of those nominated for, or appointed to, membership of certain MGA Committees.
Due to the sensitive nature of its activities, this Committee does not distribute agendas and minutes. Please refer to the MGA Operations Manual for specific information:
  •     Section 2 - MGA Board (includes positions, qualifications, roles, and responsibilities)
  •     Section 4 - MGA Committees (including MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee Charter)
  •     Section 6 - MGA Assembly
  •     Section 7 - MGA Nominations and Appointments Process

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