MGA Geographic Units - New Award Approval Process

On November 2022, the MGA Board approved a revised Geographic Unit award approval process based upon the MGA ARC’s recommendation. The new process routes all Region, Area, Council, Section, Chapter, Affinity Group and Student Branch new award proposals or revisions to existing awards to the respective Region for final approval. To learn more about the MGA new award approval process and guidelines for developing award proposals review the information below. Further you may reference the MGA Operations Manual Sections 8.3 and 8.4.


All new award proposals must follow the new process for MGA Geographic Units and MGA Committees as applicable. MGA ARC will evaluate all proposals for new awards or revision of existing awards. All award proposals must be submitted using the MGA Awards Template and sent to the MGA ARC Chair at




      MGA ARC will evaluate all proposals for the establishment of new awards or revision of existing awards in accordance with established policies and procedures and in terms of:
      1. The award objectives of IEEE and MGA which are comprised by the proposal.
      2. Monetary aspects, including the funding source, third-party agreements, custody of funds, depositories, foundations, and all other issues having to do with the fiscal integrity of the proposal.
      3. Qualify completeness and merits of the proposal, and the desired results.
      4. Assessment of the potential for successful implementation.

  1. All new award proposals or revisions to existing awards from the Geo-units will be reviewed by the MGA ARC to ensure they meet all identified criteria and reported to the MGA Board once approved by the Region via the applicable Region Director’s report.
  2. All new award proposals or revisions to existing awards originating from Committees reporting into the MGA Board would be reviewed by the MGA ARC and MELCC to ensure they meet all identified criteria and brought forward to the MGA Board for approval.

MGA ARC 2024 Tentative Meetings: February, March, May, June, August, October, November.

Email all questions to